manufacturing OF aftermarket PARTS AND ACCESSORIES

KETAI Industries provides a full range of services as a wholesale supplier of car parts and accessories. We sell spare parts for cars and trucks, car tools, repair tools, car optics, auto electrics, pneumatic equipment for car services and equipment for car wash companies. 


You are very welcome to check all range of our product categories in the catalogs section

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so why ketai industries?

  • advanced it

    With our customer portal we provide customers detailed and combined information about all their order which helps to track our relationships and never lost any data related to the orders / payments / shipments

  • quality control

    We have an in-house quality control team that travels between all the manufacturing facilities to double-check the quality of each order produced. With 2,298,700pcs of products shipped in 2019 we have less than 0.02% claim rate

  • pricing

    Being one of the top-selling automotive parts brands in Eastern Europe we understand very well how important the initial cost of the goods is for our final customers and we do believe that we are doing an excellent job in providing it by growing 25% per year (2017-2019 data)

  • products

    With more than 30,000 SKUs available from our manufacturing facilities from Automotive Parts to Instruments and Washing Equipment we are covering most of the needs for every company related to the automotive industry, which is a good way to lower your management and HR costs - no need to manage dozens of factories

  • flexible supply chain

    We have warehouses in three regions of China, with the ability to provide you online view on your products, online database of your products and full flexibility in terms of most efficient container packaging - our team will be happy to calculate it for free as part of our service

  • multinational team

    The management and employees of our company are from both - Europe and Asia, which helps us to use the best of the world and provide excellent service and support to our customers from all over the world keeping close to their culture while keeping the high-level quality and low prices simultaneously

  • availability

    We are available 7 days a week, 16 hours per day

  • samples

    We trust our products and ready to share samples with you, most of the items are free in 1-2pcs quantity, feel free to ask our sales team

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